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[해외논문] Nano-hemoglobin film based sextet state biomemory device by cross-linked photosensitive hapten monomer

Talanta, v.176, 2018년, pp.85 - 91  

Güzel, Remziye (Department of Chemistry, Dicle University) ,  Ersöz, Arzu (Department of Chemistry, Anadolu University) ,  Ziyadanoğulları, Recep (Department of Chemistry, Dicle University) ,  Say, Rıdvan (Department of Chemistry, Anadolu University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract In this study, a biomemory device, consisting of hemoglobin (Hb) cross-linked by MACys-Ru(bipyr)2-MACys) photosensitive monomer cross-linkers, which have memory effect through both Ru3+/2+ in hapten monomer and Fe3+/2+ in redox active center of Hb through multi-charge transfer mechanism, h...


참고문헌 (29)

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