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Application of grey relational analysis to determine welding parameters for Nd:YAG laser GMA hybrid welding of aluminium alloy

Science and technology of welding and joining, v.13 no.4, 2008년, pp.312 - 317  

Kim, H. R. ,  Park, Y. W. ,  Lee, K. Y.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Grey relational analysis is carried out to develop a new approach for optimization of Nd:YAG laser and gas metal arc hybrid welding parameters. The qualities of a welded material depend on various welding parameters. The parameters chosen for the current study include wire type, shielding gas, lase...

참고문헌 (13)

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  11. Pan, L. K., Wang, C. C., Shih, Y. C., Sher, H. F.. Optimising multiple qualities of Nd:YAG laser welding onto magnesium alloy via grey relational analysis. Science and technology of welding and joining, vol.10, no.4, 503-510.

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  13. AWS A5-10M: ‘Specification for bare aluminum and aluminumalloy welding electoreds and rods’; 1999, Miami, FL, American Welding Society. 

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