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Renal tubular damage caused by cylindrospermopsin (cyanotoxin) in mice

Toxicology letters, v.286, 2018년, pp.89 - 95  

Moraes, A.C.N. (Corresponding author at: 373 Carlos Chagas Filho Avenue, Cidade Universitá) ,  Magalhães, V.F. (ria, Ilha do Fundã)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Cylindrospermopsin (CYN) is a cyanotoxin and a hydrophilic alkaloid of 415 Da. The principal effect of CYN is the inhibition of protein synthesis, and it can damage various organs. Studies have demonstrated that the kidney is the most affected organ. CYN has played roles in at least two po...


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