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[해외논문] Out-of-autoclave scarf repair of interlayer toughened carbon fibre composites using double vacuum debulking of patch

Composites. Part A, Applied science and manufacturing, v.107, 2018년, pp.224 - 234  

Chong, H.M. (Joining Technology GroupSingapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology) ,  Liu, S.L. (Polymer Composite Department, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering) ,  Subramanian, A.S. (Joining Technology GroupSingapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology) ,  Ng, S.P. (Joining Technology GroupSingapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology) ,  Tay, S.W. (Polymer Composite Department, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering) ,  Wang, S.Q. (Polymer Composite Department, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering) ,  Feih, S. (Joining Technology GroupSingapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Interlayer particle toughened carbon fibre composites play an integral role in the lightweight design of primary aerospace structures. We investigate an out-of-autoclave method using double vacuum debulking (DVD) to perform in-situ soft patch repairs. Utilizing the DVD process decreases th...


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