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[해외논문] Interpretative Analysis of Lateral Load-Carrying Behavior and Design Model for Inclined Single and Group Micropiles

Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, v.144 no.1, 2018년, pp.04017105 -   

Kyung, Doohyun (Senior Research Fellow, Research Institute of Korea Electric Power Corporation, 105 Munji-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34056, Republic of Korea.) ,  Lee, Junhwan (Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei Univ., Yonseiro 50, Seodeamun-gu, Seoul 120-749, Korea (corresponding author).)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, the lateral load-carrying capacity of micropiles was investigated focusing on the effect of micropile inclination. A series of model load tests was conducted for both single (SMP) and group (GMP) micropiles with various configuration conditions of inclination angle, load direction, an...

참고문헌 (24)

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