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Application of the flammability diagram for evaluation of fire and explosion hazards of flammable vapors

Process safety progress : a publication of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, v.17 no.3, 1998년, pp.176 - 183  

Mashuga, Chad V. (Department of Chemical Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931) ,  Crowl, Daniel A. (Department of Chemical Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThe safest method to prevent fires and explosions of flammable mixtures in the first place. This method requires detailed knowledge of the flammability region as a function of the fuel, oxygen, and nitrogen concentrations. A triangular flammability diagram is the most useful tool to display ...

참고문헌 (9)

  1. 1 Lide , D. R. , Editor in chief,“ Handbook of Chemistry and Physics ,” 71st ed. , CRC Press Inc. , Boston, ( 1991 ). 

  2. 2 Zabetakis , M. G. ,“ Flammability Characteristics of Combustible Gases and Vapors ,”U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Burea of Mines, No. 627,( 1965 ). 

  3. 3 Stephenson , R. M. ,“ Flash Points of Organic and Organometallic Compounds ,” Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. , New York ,( 1987 ). 

  4. 4 Reid , R. C. , Prausnitz , J. M. , and Sherwood , T. R. ,“ The Properties of Gases and Liquids ,” 3rd ed. McGraw Hill , New York ,( 1977 ). 

  5. 5 ASTM ,ASTM E918–83,“ Standard Practice for Determining Limits of Flammability of Chemicals at Elevated Temperature and Pressure ,” American Society for Testing and Materials , Philadelphia, PA, ( 1992 ). 

  6. 6 Bennett , F. D. ,“ Flow Fields Produced by Exploding Wires ,”Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, “Exploding Wires,” Proceeding of the First Conference on the Exploding Wire Phenomenon , Boston, Massachusetts,(April 2–3, 1959 ). 

  7. 7 Kuchta , Joseph M. ,“ Fire and Explosion Manual for Aircraft Accident Investigators ,”Pittsburgh Mining and Safety Research Center, U.S. Bureau of Mines, USAF Contract No. F33615–72‐M‐5008,(July 1973 ). 

  8. 8 Bartknecht , Wolfgang ,“ Explosions, Course Prevention Protection ,” Springer‐Verlag , New York ,( 1981 ). 

  9. 9 NFPA ,“ NFPA 68: Guide for Venging Deflagrations ,” National Fire Protection Association , Baltterymarch Park, MA ,( 1988 and 1994 Edition ). 

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