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[해외논문] Distribution of benthic diatoms in Korean rivers and streams in relation to environmental variables 원문보기

Annales de limnologie = International Journal of Limnology, v.47, 2011년, pp.S15 - S33  

Hwang, Soon-Jin ,  Kim, Nan-Young ,  Yoon, Sung Ae ,  Kim, Baik-Ho ,  Park, Myung Hwan ,  You, Kyung-A ,  Lee, Hak Young ,  Kim, Han Soon ,  Kim, Yong Jae ,  Lee, Jungho ,  Lee, Ok Min ,  Shin, Jae Ki ,  Lee, Eun Joo ,  Jeon, Sook Lye ,  Joo, Huyn Soo

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (63)

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