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The influence of soil‐applied fungicides and previous cropping on the development of violet root rot of sugar beet

Annals of applied biology, v.83 no.1, 1976년, pp.61 - 67  


Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

SUMMARYThe proportion of sugar‐beet roots infected by Helicobasidium purpureum increased most rapidly in September and October. Violet root rot was not controlled by fungicides applied at drilling or in July. Heavily infected roots yielded 31% less sugar than healthy or lightly infected roots...

참고문헌 (9)

  1. Landbouvivoorlichting Bakermans W. A. P. 493 12 1955 Toevoeging van conserbeta of van grond tegen kuilrot bij voederbieten 

  2. Revue ďHorticulture Paris Bouchier J. 1068 126 1954 Observations sur ľhygiène préventive du sol en culture intensive 

  3. Cooke D. A. Drayoott A. P.&Hull R.(1969).Report of Rothamsted Experimental Station for1968 p.379. 

  4. Darpoux H.&Lebrun A.(1961).Études sur les maladies de la betterave réalisées en 1961 à la Station Centrale de Pathologie Végétale. IV. Rhizoctone violet de la betterave.Publication de ľInstitut Technique François de la Betterave Industrielle pp.51-53. 

  5. Hull R.(1960).Sugar Beet Diseases.Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food London. Bulletin no. 142 pp.41-43. 

  6. Hull, R., Wilson, A. R.. Distribution of violet root rot (Helicobasidium purpureum Pat.) of sugar beet and preliminary experiments on factors affecting the disease. Annals of applied biology, vol.33, no.4, 420-433.

  7. Phytiatrie-Phytopharmacie Molot P. 73 2 1968 Essais preliminaires de lutte chimique contre le rhizoctone violet 

  8. Agricultura, Louvain Assche C. 55 1 1958 Uitbreiding van enkele schimmelziekten op witloof in Belgie 

  9. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Science Whitney N. J. 276 36 1956 The control of violet root rot in Ontario 

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