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[해외논문] Characterization and engineering of a plastic-degrading aromatic polyesterase 원문보기

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v.115 no.19, 2018년, pp.E4350 - E4357  

Austin, Harry P. (University of Portsmouth) ,  Allen, Mark D. (University of Portsmouth) ,  Donohoe, Bryon S. (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) ,  Rorrer, Nicholas A. (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) ,  Kearns, Fiona L. (University of South Florida) ,  Silveira, Rodrigo L. (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) ,  Pollard, Benjamin C. (University of South Florida) ,  Dominick, Graham (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) ,  Duman, Ramona (Diamond Light Source) ,  El Omari, Kamel (Diamond Light Source) ,  Mykhaylyk, Vitaliy (Diamond Light Source) ,  Wagner, Armin (Diamond Light Source) ,  Michener, William E. (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) ,  Amore, Antonella (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) ,  Skaf, Munir S. (University of Campinas) ,  Crowley, Michael F. (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) ,  Thorne, Alan W. (University of Portsmouth) ,  Johnson, Christopher W. (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) ,  Woodcock, H. Lee (University of South Florida) ,  McGeehan, John E. (University of Portsmouth) ,  Beckham, Gregg T. (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

SignificanceSynthetic polymers are ubiquitous in the modern world but pose a global environmental problem. While plastics such as poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) are highly versatile, their resistance to natural degradation presents a serious, growing risk to fauna and flora, particularly in mari...


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