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Ignition delay time and sooting propensity of a kerosene aviation jet fuel and its derivative blended with a bio-jet fuel

Fuel, v.232, 2018년, pp.724 - 728  

Han, Hee Sun (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sejong University) ,  Kim, Chul Jin (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sejong University) ,  Cho, Cheon Hyeon (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sejong University) ,  Sohn, Chae Hoon (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sejong University) ,  Han, Jeongsik (Agency for Defense Development)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Ignition delay time and sooting index of kerosene blended with a bio-jet fuel is measured for a comparative study with general aviation fuels. The new blended fuel is similar to a kerosene jet fuel (Jet A-1 or Korean domestic jet fuel) in terms of properties, H/C ratio, density, and heat o...


참고문헌 (21)

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