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Journal of food science : an official publication of the Institute of Food Technologists, v.44 no.2, 1979년, pp.335 - 338  


Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

ABSTRACTIn 60 unsplit calf carcasses, effects were determined of hide removal (before or after chilling) and electrical stimulation (SO impulses of 0.5‐4.0 set duration of 440 volts; 45-75 min post‐exsanguination) on certain characteristics of carcasses and loin steaks. Chilling of car...

참고문헌 (22)

  1. Official Methods of Analysis AOAC 1965 

  2. Bowling, R. A., Smith, G. C., Carpenter, Z. L., Dutson, T. R., Oliver, W. M.. Comparison of Forage-Finished and Grain-Finished Beef Carcasses. Journal of animal science, vol.45, no.2, 209-215.

  3. Bowling, R. A., Riggs, J. K., Smith, G. C., Carpenter, Z. L., Reddish, R. L., Butler, O. D.. Production, Carcass and Palatability Characteristics of Steers Produced by Different Management Systems. Journal of animal science, vol.46, no.2, 333-340.

  4. J. Food Technol Came W.A. 163 8 1973 10.1111/j.1365-2621.1973.tb01702.x Meat quality and the acceleration of postmortem glycolysis by electrical stimulation 

  5. Proc. New Zealand Meat Ind. Res. Conf. (Rotorua, NZ) Chrystall B.B. 5 18 1976 Accelerated conditioning of meat 

  6. New Zealand J. of Agri Chrystall B.B. 7 1975 Accelerated conditioning of lamb 

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  8. Duncan, David B.. Multiple Range and Multiple F Tests. Biometrics, vol.11, no.1, 1-.

  9. J. Food Sci Dutson T.R. 44 1979 Lysosomal enzyme distribution in electrically stimulated ovine muscle 

  10. Locker, R. H., Hagyard, C. J.. A cold shortening effect in beef muscles. Journal of the science of food and agriculture, vol.14, no.11, 787-793.

  11. MARSH, B. B., LEET, N. G.. Studies in Meat Tenderness. III. The Effects of Cold Shortening on Tenderness. Journal of food science : an official publication of the Institute of Food Technologists, vol.31, no.3, 450-459.

  12. Meat Industry Merkel R.A. 27 21 5 1975 Slow chilling could produce tender beef from lean carcasses 

  13. SAVELL, J.W., DUTSON, T.R., SMITH, G.C., CARPENTER, Z.L.. STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN ELECTRICALLY STIMULATED BEEF MUSCLE. Journal of food science : an official publication of the Institute of Food Technologists, vol.43, no.5, 1606-1607.

  14. Savell, J. W., Smith, G. C., Carpenter, Z. L.. Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Quality and Palatability of Light-weight Beef Carcasses. Journal of animal science, vol.46, no.5, 1221-1228.

  15. SHAW, F. D., WALKER, D. J.. EFFECT OF LOW VOLTAGE STIMULATION OF BEEF CARCASSES ON MUSCLE pH. Journal of food science : an official publication of the Institute of Food Technologists, vol.42, no.4, 1140-1141.

  16. Proc. European Meeting of Meat Research Workers (Paris, France) Smith G.C. 353 19 1973 Packaging systems for the protection of fresh beef during shipment and storage 

  17. J. Anim. Sci Smith G.C. 174 39 1974 Subcutaneous fat thickness and tenderness of lamb 

  18. rate of chilling and tenderness of lamb. J. Food Sci Smith G.C. 748 41 1976 Fatness 

  19. Proc. European Meeting of Meat Research Workers (Kulmbach, W. Germany) Sorinmade S.O. 24 1978 The effect of electrical stimulation on lysosomal enzyme activity pH decline and beef tenderness 

  20. Principles and Procedures of Statistics Steel R.G.D. 1960 

  21. Official United States Standards for grades of veal and calf carcasses USDA 1972 

  22. Official United States Standards for grades of carcass beef USDA 1975 

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