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[해외논문] Incorporation and effects of punicic acid on muscle and adipose tissues of rats 원문보기

Lipids in health and disease, v.15, 2016년, pp.40 -   

de Melo, Illana Louise Pereira (Department of Food and Experimental Nutrition, Laboratory of Lipids, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sã) ,  de Oliveira e Silva, Ana Mara (o Paulo, University of Sã) ,  de Carvalho, Eliane Bonifácio Teixeira (o Paulo, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 580 –) ,  Yoshime, Luciana Tedesco (Bloco 14, CEP: 05508-900 Sã) ,  Sattler, José (o Paulo, Brazil) ,  Augusto Gasparotto (Federal University of Sergipe, Biological Science and Health Center, Aracaju, Sergipe Brazil) ,  Mancini-Filho, Jorge (Department of Food and Experimental Nutrition, Laboratory of Lipids, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sã)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

BackgroundThis study evaluated the effect of pomegranate seed oil (PSO) supplementation, rich in punicic acid (55 %/C18:3-9c,11 t,13c/CLNA), on the lipid profile and on the biochemical and oxidative parameters in the gastrocnemius muscle and adipose tissues of healthy rats. Linseed oil (LO), rich in...


참고문헌 (64)

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