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Darwin Core: An Evolving Community-Developed Biodiversity Data Standard 원문보기

PloS one, v.7 no.1, 2012년, pp.e29715 -   

Wieczorek, John (University of California, Berkeley, California, United States of America) ,  Bloom, David (University of California, Berkeley, California, United States of America) ,  Guralnick, Robert (University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, United States of America) ,  Blum, Stan (California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, United States of America) ,  Döring, Markus (Global Biodiversity Information Facility, Copenhagen, Denmark) ,  Giovanni, Renato (Centro de Referê) ,  Robertson, Tim (ncia em Informaç) ,  Vieglais, David (ã) ,  Sarkar, Indra Neil (o Ambiental, Campinas, Sã)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Biodiversity data derive from myriad sources stored in various formats on many distinct hardware and software platforms. An essential step towards understanding global patterns of biodiversity is to provide a standardized view of these heterogeneous data sources to improve interoperability. Fundamen...

참고문헌 (58)

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