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Long-range chemical ordering in Al-Cu-Fe, Al-Cu-Mn, and Al-Cu-Cr quasicrystals

Journal of materials research, v.5 no.1, 1990년, pp.62 - 73  

Ebalard, S. ,  Spaepen, F.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The dependence of the F-type order and the stability of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals on quenching rate and composition are reported. In the Al-Cu-Mn and Al-Cu-Cr systems, where only metastable quasicrystals can be formed, a disordered icosahedral phase is obtained by melt-spinning, and P ⇉ F-type o...

참고문헌 (19)

  1. Mukhopadhyay, N. K., Ranganathan, S., Chattopadhyay, K.. On the short-range order in Al-Mn quasicrystals during low-temperature ageing. Philosophical magazine letters, vol.56, no.4, 121-127.

  2. Guryan, C. A., Goldman, A. I., Stephens, P. W., Hiraga, K., Tsai, A. P., Inoue, A., Masumoto, T.. Al-Cu-Ru: An icosahedral alloy without phason disorder. Physical review letters, vol.62, no.20, 2409-2412.

  3. 9 Dong C. , de Boissieu M. , and Dubois J. M. , J. Mater. Sci. Lett, (in press). 

  4. 6 Bancel P. A. (to be published). 

  5. Bendersky, L.. Quasicrystal with One-Dimensional Translational Symmetry and a Tenfold Rotation Axis. Physical review letters, vol.55, no.14, 1461-1463.

  6. Bendersky, L. A., Kaufman, M. J.. Determination of the point group of the icosahedral phase in an Al-Mn-Si alloy using convergent-beam electron diffraction. Philosophical magazine. B, Physics of condensed matter, structural, electronic, optical, and magnetic properties, vol.53, no.3, L75-L80.

  7. Fung, K. K., Yang, C. Y., Zhou, Y. Q., Zhao, J. G., Zhan, W. S., Shen, B. G.. Icosahedrally Related Decagonal Quasicrystal in Rapidly Cooled Al-14-at.%-Fe Alloy. Physical review letters, vol.56, no.19, 2060-2063.

  8. Ebalard, S., Spaepen, F.. The body-centered-cubic-type icosahedral reciprocal lattice of the Al-Cu-Fe quasi-periodic crystal. Journal of materials research, vol.4, no.1, 39-43.

  9. Shechtman, D., Blech, I., Gratias, D., Cahn, J. W.. Metallic Phase with Long-Range Orientational Order and No Translational Symmetry. Physical review letters, vol.53, no.20, 1951-1953.

  10. Hiraga, Kenji, Zhang, Bo-Ping, Hirabayashi, Makoto, Inoue, Akihisa, Masumoto, Tsuyoshi. Highly Ordered Icosahedral Quasicrystal of Al-Cu-Fe Alloy Studied by Electron Diffraction and High-Resolution Electron Microscopy. Japanese journal of applied physics. Part 2, Letters, vol.27, no.6, L951-.

  11. Ishimasa, T., Fukano, Y., Tsuchimori, M.. Quasicrystal structure in Al─Cu─Fe annealed alloy. Philosophical magazine letters, vol.58, no.3, 157-165.

  12. 3 Devaud-Rzepski J. , Quivy A. , Calvayrac Y. , Cornier-Quiquandon M. , and Gratias D. , submitted to Phil. Mag. B. 

  13. The symmetry of electron diffraction zone axis patterns. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and physical sciences, vol.281, no.1301, 171-194.

  14. Elser, Veit. Indexing problems in quasicrystal diffraction. Physical review. B, Condensed matter, vol.32, no.8, 4892-4898.

  15. 17 Ebalard S. and Spaepen F. (to be published). 

  16. Cahn, R.W., Siemers, P.A., Hall, E.L.. The order-disorder transformation in Ni3Al and Ni3AlFe alloys—II. Phase transformations and microstructures. Acta metallurgica, vol.35, no.11, 2753-2764.

  17. Gibbons, P. C., Kelton, K. F., Levine, L. E., Phillips, R. B.. Arcs of diffuse scattering from icosahedral Ti-Mn quasicrystals. Philosophical magazine. B, Physics of condensed matter, structural, electronic, optical, and magnetic properties, vol.59, no.6, 593-618.

  18. Elser, Veit, Henley, Christopher L.. Crystal and quasicrystal structures in Al-Mn-Si alloys. Physical review letters, vol.55, no.26, 2883-2886.

  19. Tsai, An-Pang, Inoue, Akihisa, Masumoto, Tsuyoshi. New quasicrystals in Al65Cu20M15 (M = Cr, Mn or Fe) systems prepared by rapid solidification. Journal of materials science letters, vol.7, no.4, 322-326.

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