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[해외논문] Influence of paraffin wax as a self-curing compound in self-compacting concretes

Advances in cement research, v.28 no.2, 2016년, pp.110 - 120  

Sri Rama Chand, Madduru (Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India) ,  Rathish Kumar, Pancharathi (Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India) ,  Swamy Naga Ratna Giri, Pallapothu (Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India) ,  Rajesh Kumar, Garje (Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India) ,  Krishna Rao, Mupparisetty V. (Department of Civil Engineering, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Internal curing can be adopted to ensure the availability of water for the hydration of cement, mitigating the adverse effect of water loss to surroundings. The use of self-curing compounds is increasing in the context of the widespread use of self-compacting concrete (SCC) owing to its superior pe...

참고문헌 (18)

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  4. Magazine of Concrete Research Chand MSR 82 67 2 2014 10.1680/macr.14.00192 

  5. Cusson, Daniel, Hoogeveen, Ted. Internal curing of high-performance concrete with pre-soaked fine lightweight aggregate for prevention of autogenous shrinkage cracking. Cement and concrete research, vol.38, no.6, 757-765.

  6. Dhir, R. K., Hewlett, P. C., Lota, J. S., Dyer, T. D.. An investigation into the feasibility of formulating ‘self-cure’ concrete. Materials and structures, vol.27, no.10, 606-615.

  7. Dhir, R.K., Hewlett, P.C., Dyer, T.D.. Durability of ‘self-cure’ concrete. Cement and concrete research, vol.25, no.6, 1153-1158.

  8. Dhir, R. K., Hewlett, P. C., Dyer, T. D.. Mechanisms of water retention in cement pastes containing a self-curing agent. Magazine of concrete research, vol.50, no.1, 85-90.

  9. El-Dieb, A.S.. Self-curing concrete: Water retention, hydration and moisture transport. Construction & building materials, vol.21, no.6, 1282-1287.

  10. ACI Material Journal El-Dieb AS 13 278 2011 

  11. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures El-Dieb AS 276 2014 

  12. Hall, C.. Water sorptivity of mortars and concretes: a review. Magazine of concrete research, vol.41, no.147, 51-61.

  13. Jensen, Ole Mejlhede, Hansen, Per Freiesleben. Water-entrained cement-based materials : I. Principles and theoretical background. Cement and concrete research, vol.31, no.4, 647-654.

  14. Jensen, Ole Mejlhede, Hansen, Per Freiesleben. Water-entrained cement-based materials : II. Experimental observations. Cement and concrete research, vol.32, no.6, 973-978.

  15. Proceedings of International Rilem Conference on Advances in Construction Materials through Science and Engineering 2011, Hong Kong Kumar GR 115 1 2011 

  16. Housing and Building National Research Center Journal Mousa MI 167 11 2 2015 

  17. Petrography of Cementitious Materials Stutzman PE 74 1993 

  18. 10.1617/13801 

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