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[해외논문] Wind Turbine Noise

Bulletin of science, technology & society, v.31 no.4, 2011년, pp.256 - 261  

Harrison, John P. (Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada,)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Following an introduction to noise and noise regulation of wind turbines, the problem of adverse health effects of turbine noise is discussed. This is attributed to the characteristics of turbine noise and deficiencies in the regulation of this noise. Both onshore and offshore wind farms are discus...

참고문헌 (29)

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  19. Pedersen, Eja, Persson Waye, Kerstin. Perception and annoyance due to wind turbine noise-a dose-response relationship. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.116, no.6, 3460-3470.

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  21. Pedersen, Eja, van den Berg, Frits, Bakker, Roel, Bouma, Jelte. Response to noise from modern wind farms in The Netherlands. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.126, no.2, 634-643.

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  23. Romero-Sanz, Ignacio, Matesanz, Álvaro. Noise Management on Modern Wind Turbines. Wind engineering, vol.32, no.1, 27-44.

  24. Salt, Alec N., Hullar, Timothy E.. Responses of the ear to low frequency sounds, infrasound and wind turbines. Hearing research, vol.268, no.1, 12-21.

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  27. van den Berg, G.P.. Effects of the wind profile at night on wind turbine sound. Journal of sound and vibration, vol.277, no.4, 955-970.

  28. van den Berg, G.P.. The Beat is Getting Stronger: The Effect of Atmospheric Stability on Low Frequency Modulated Sound of Wind Turbines. Journal of low frequency noise, vibration, and active control, vol.24, no.1, 1-23.

  29. Paper presented at the First International Symposium on The Global Wind Industry and Adverse Health Effects: Loss of Social Justice? Walsh, O. 

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