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[해외논문] A review of family caregiving intervention trials in oncology 원문보기

CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, v.67 no.4, 2017년, pp.318 - 325  

Ferrell, Betty (Director, Division of Nursing Research and Education City of Hope National Medical Center Duarte CA) ,  Wittenberg, Elaine (Associate Professor, Division of Nursing Research and Education City of Hope National Medical Center Duarte CA.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThis article contains a review of literature published from 2010 to 2016 on family caregiving in oncology. An analysis of 810 citations resulted in 50 randomized trials. These trials describe the need to prepare family caregivers for the complex role they play in cancer care. Several studies...

참고문헌 (81)

  1. Honea, Norissa J, Brintnall, Ruthann, Given, Barbara, Sherwood, Paula, Colao, Deirdre B, Somers, Susan C, Northouse, Laurel L. Putting Evidence into Practice: nursing assessment and interventions to reduce family caregiver strain and burden.. Clinical journal of oncology nursing, vol.12, no.3, 507-516.

  2. Teschendorf, Bonnie, Schwartz, Carolyn, Ferrans, Carol Estwing, O'mara, Ann, Novotny, Paul, Sloan, Jeff. Caregiver Role Stress: When Families Become Providers. Cancer control : journal of the Moffitt Cancer Center, vol.14, no.2, 183-189.

  3. Bergelt, Corinna, Koch, Uwe, Petersen, Corinna. Quality of life in partners of patients with cancer. Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation, vol.17, no.5, 653-663.

  4. Bowman, Karen F., Rose, Julia H., Deimling, Gary T.. Families of long-term cancer survivors: health maintenance advocacy and practice. Psycho-oncology, vol.14, no.12, 1008-1017.

  5. Sun, Virginia, Grant, Marcia, Koczywas, Marianna, Freeman, Bonnie, Zachariah, Finly, Fujinami, Rebecca, Ferraro, Catherine Del, Uman, Gwen, Ferrell, Betty. Effectiveness of an interdisciplinary palliative care intervention for family caregivers in lung cancer. Cancer, vol.121, no.20, 3737-3745.

  6. Stajduhar, Kelli I., Martin, Wanda Leigh, Barwich, Doris, Fyles, Gillian. Factors Influencing Family Caregivers' Ability to Cope With Providing End-of-Life Cancer Care at Home. Cancer nursing, vol.31, no.1, 77-85.

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  8. Sharpe, Louise, Butow, Phyllis, Smith, Claire, McConnell, David, Clarke, Stephen. The relationship between available support, unmet needs and caregiver burden in patients with advanced cancer and their carers. Psycho-oncology, vol.14, no.2, 102-114.

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  10. Kim, Youngmee, Baker, Frank, Spillers, Rachel L.. Cancer Caregivers' Quality of Life: Effects of Gender, Relationship, and Appraisal. Journal of pain and symptom management, vol.34, no.3, 294-304.

  11. Gaugler, Joseph E., Hanna, Nader, Linder, Jeanette, Given, Charles W., Tolbert, Valerie, Kataria, Ritesh, Regine, William F.. Cancer caregiving and subjective stress: a multi-site, multi-dimensional analysis. Psycho-oncology, vol.14, no.9, 771-785.

  12. Goldsmith, Joy, Wittenberg, Elaine, Platt, Christine Small, Iannarino, Nicholas T., Reno, Jenna. Family caregiver communication in oncology: advancing a typology. Psycho-oncology, vol.25, no.4, 463-470.

  13. Sun, Virginia, Kim, Jae Y., Irish, Terry L., Borneman, Tami, Sidhu, Rupinder K., Klein, Linda, Ferrell, Betty. Palliative care and spiritual well‐being in lung cancer patients and family caregivers. Psycho-oncology, vol.25, no.12, 1448-1455.

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  19. Herrera, Angelica P., Mendez-Luck, Carolyn A., Crist, Janice D., Smith, Matthew Lee, Warre, Ruth, Ory, Marcia G., Markides, Kyriakos. Psychosocial and Cognitive Health Differences by Caregiver Status Among Older Mexican Americans. Community mental health journal, vol.49, no.1, 61-72.

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  22. Langa, K.M., Fendrick, A.M., Chernew, M.E., Kabeto, M.U., Paisley, K.L., Hayman, J.A.. Out-of-Pocket Health-Care Expenditures among Older Americans with Cancer. Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, vol.7, no.2, 186-194.

  23. Scharlach, Andrew E., Giunta, Nancy, Chow, Julian Chun-Chung, Lehning, Amanda. Racial and Ethnic Variations in Caregiver Service Use. Journal of aging and health, vol.20, no.3, 326-346.

  24. Juarez, Gloria, Branin, Joan J., Rosales, Monica. Perceptions of QOL among caregivers of Mexican ancestry of adults with advanced cancer. Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation, vol.24, no.7, 1729-1740.

  25. Arden‐Close, Emily, Gidron, Yori, Bayne, Louise, Moss‐Morris, Rona. Written emotional disclosure for women with ovarian cancer and their partners: randomised controlled trial. Psycho-oncology, vol.22, no.10, 2262-2269.

  26. Badger, Terry A., Segrin, Chris, Figueredo, Aurelio J., Harrington, Joanne, Sheppard, Kate, Passalacqua, Stacey, Pasvogel, Alice, Bishop, Maria. Psychosocial interventions to improve quality of life in prostate cancer survivors and their intimate or family partners. Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation, vol.20, no.6, 833-844.

  27. Badger, Terry A., Segrin, Chris, Hepworth, Joseph T., Pasvogel, Alice, Weihs, Karen, Lopez, Ana Maria. Telephone‐delivered health education and interpersonal counseling improve quality of life for Latinas with breast cancer and their supportive partners. Psycho-oncology, vol.22, no.5, 1035-1042.

  28. Badger, Terry, Segrin, Chris, Pasvogel, Alice, Lopez, Ana Maria. The effect of psychosocial interventions delivered by telephone and videophone on quality of life in early-stage breast cancer survivors and their supportive partners. Journal of telemedicine and telecare, vol.19, no.5, 260-265.

  29. Badr, Hoda, Smith, Cardinale B., Goldstein, Nathan E., Gomez, Jorge E., Redd, William H.. Dyadic psychosocial intervention for advanced lung cancer patients and their family caregivers: Results of a randomized pilot trial. Cancer, vol.121, no.1, 150-158.

  30. Belgacem, B., Auclair, C., Fedor, M.C., Brugnon, D., Blanquet, M., Tournilhac, O., Gerbaud, L.. A caregiver educational program improves quality of life and burden for cancer patients and their caregivers: A randomised clinical trial. European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society, vol.17, no.6, 870-876.

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  32. Chambers, Suzanne K., Occhipinti, Stefano, Schover, Leslie, Nielsen, Lisa, Zajdlewicz, Leah, Clutton, Samantha, Halford, Kim, Gardiner, Robert A., Dunn, Jeff. A randomised controlled trial of a couples‐based sexuality intervention for men with localised prostate cancer and their female partners. Psycho-oncology, vol.24, no.7, 748-756.

  33. Chambers, Suzanne Kathleen, Girgis, Araf, Occhipinti, Stefano, Hutchison, Sandy, Turner, Jane, McDowell, Michelle, Mihalopoulos, Cathrine, Carter, Robert, Dunn, Jeffrey Charles. A Randomized Trial Comparing Two Low-Intensity Psychological Interventions for Distressed Patients With Cancer and Their Caregivers. Oncology nursing forum, vol.41, no.4, E256-E266.

  34. Chih, Ming-Yuan, DuBenske, Lori L, Hawkins, Robert P, Brown, Roger L, Dinauer, Susan K, Cleary, James F, Gustafson, David H. Communicating advanced cancer patients’ symptoms via the Internet: A pooled analysis of two randomized trials examining caregiver preparedness, physical burden, and negative mood. Palliative medicine, vol.27, no.6, 533-543.

  35. Collinge, William, Kahn, Janet, Walton, Tracy, Kozak, Leila, Bauer-Wu, Susan, Fletcher, Kenneth, Yarnold, Paul, Soltysik, Robert. Touch, Caring, and Cancer: randomized controlled trial of a multimedia caregiver education program. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, vol.21, no.5, 1405-1414.

  36. Couper, Jeremy, Collins, Anna, Bloch, Sidney, Street, Annette, Duchesne, Gillian, Jones, Tessa, Olver, James, Love, Anthony. Cognitive existential couple therapy (CECT) in men and partners facing localised prostate cancer: a randomised controlled trial. BJU international, vol.115, no.suppl5, 35-45.

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  45. Holtslander, L., Duggleby, W., Teucher, U., Cooper, D., Bally, J.M.G., Solar, J., Steeves, M.. Developing and pilot-testing a Finding Balance Intervention for older adult bereaved family caregivers: A randomized feasibility trial. European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society, vol.21, 66-74.

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  49. Lambert, Sylvie D., McElduff, Patrick, Girgis, Afaf, Levesque, Janelle V., Regan, Tim W., Turner, Jane, Candler, Hayley, Mihalopoulos, Cathrine, Shih, Sophy T. F., Kayser, Karen, Chong, Peter. A pilot, multisite, randomized controlled trial of a self-directed coping skills training intervention for couples facing prostate cancer: accrual, retention, and data collection issues. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, vol.24, no.2, 711-722.

  50. Laudenslager, Mark L., Simoneau, Teri L., Kilbourn, Kristin, Natvig, Crystal, Philips, Sam, Spradley, Janet, Benitez, Patrick, McSweeney, Peter, Mikulich-Gilbertson, Susan K.. A randomized control trial of a psychosocial intervention for caregivers of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients: Effects on distress. Bone marrow transplantation, vol.50, no.8, 1110-1118.

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  52. Lyons, Karen S., Winters-Stone, Kerri M., Bennett, Jill A., Beer, Tomasz M.. The effects of partnered exercise on physical intimacy in couples coping with prostate cancer.. Health psychology : the official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association, vol.35, no.5, 509-513.

  53. Manne, Sharon L., Kashy, Deborah A., Weinberg, David S., Boscarino, Joseph A., Bowen, Deborah J., Worhach, Sara. A pilot evaluation of the efficacy of a couple-tailored print intervention on colorectal cancer screening practices among non-adherent couples. Psychology & health, vol.28, no.9, 1046-1065.

  54. McLean, Linda M., Walton, Tara, Rodin, Gary, Esplen, Mary Jane, Jones, Jennifer M.. A couple‐based intervention for patients and caregivers facing end‐stage cancer: outcomes of a randomized controlled trial. Psycho-oncology, vol.22, no.1, 28-38.

  55. Meyers, Frederick J., Carducci, Michael, Loscalzo, Matthew J., Linder, John, Greasby, Tamara, Beckett, Laurel A.. Effects of a Problem-Solving Intervention (COPE) on Quality of Life for Patients with Advanced Cancer on Clinical Trials and their Caregivers: Simultaneous Care Educational Intervention (SCEI): Linking Palliation and Clinical Trials. Journal of palliative medicine, vol.14, no.4, 465-473.

  56. Mitchell, Geoffrey K, Girgis, Afaf, Jiwa, Moyez, Sibbritt, David, Burridge, Letitia H, Senior, Hugh E. Providing general practice needs-based care for carers of people with advanced cancer: a randomised controlled trial. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, vol.63, no.615, e683-e690.

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  58. Northouse, Laurel L., Mood, Darlene W., Schafenacker, Ann, Kalemkerian, Gregory, Zalupski, Mark, LoRusso, Patricia, Hayes, Daniel F., Hussain, Maha, Ruckdeschel, John, Fendrick, A. Mark, Trask, Peter C., Ronis, David L., Kershaw, Trace. Randomized clinical trial of a brief and extensive dyadic intervention for advanced cancer patients and their family caregivers. Psycho-oncology, vol.22, no.3, 555-563.

  59. Northouse, Laurel, Schafenacker, Ann, Barr, Kathryn L. C., Katapodi, Maria, Yoon, Hyojin, Brittain, Kelly, Song, Lixin, Ronis, David L., An, Larry. A Tailored Web-Based Psychoeducational Intervention for Cancer Patients and Their Family Caregivers. Cancer nursing, vol.37, no.5, 321-330.

  60. O'Hara, Ross E., Hull, Jay G., Lyons, Kathleen D., Bakitas, Marie, Hegel, Mark T., Li, Zhongze, Ahles, Tim A.. Impact on caregiver burden of a patient-focused palliative care intervention for patients with advanced cancer. Palliative & supportive care, vol.8, no.4, 395-404.

  61. Perz, Janette, Ussher, Jane M. A randomized trial of a minimal intervention for sexual concerns after cancer: a comparison of self-help and professionally delivered modalities. BMC cancer, vol.15, 629-.

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  63. Reese, Jennifer Barsky, Porter, Laura S., Regan, Katelyn R., Keefe, Francis J., Azad, Nilofer S., Diaz Jr., Luis A., Herman, Joseph M., Haythornthwaite, Jennifer A.. A randomized pilot trial of a telephone‐based couples intervention for physical intimacy and sexual concerns in colorectal cancer. Psycho-oncology, vol.23, no.9, 1005-1013.

  64. Segrin, Chris, Badger, Terry A., Harrington, Joanne. Interdependent psychological quality of life in dyads adjusting to prostate cancer.. Health psychology : the official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association, vol.31, no.1, 70-79.

  65. Shaw, Joanne M., Young, Jane M., Butow, Phyllis N., Badgery-Parker, Tim, Durcinoska, Ivana, Harrison, James D., Davidson, Patricia M., Martin, David, Sandroussi, Charbel, Hollands, Michael, Joseph, David, Das, Amitabha, Lam, Vincent, Johnston, Emma, Solomon, Michael J.. Improving psychosocial outcomes for caregivers of people with poor prognosis gastrointestinal cancers: a randomized controlled trial (Family Connect). Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, vol.24, no.2, 585-595.

  66. Sherwood, Paula R., Given, Barbara A., Given, Charles W., Sikorskii, Alla, You, Mei, Prince, Jennifer. The impact of a problem-solving intervention on increasing caregiver assistance and improving caregiver health. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, vol.20, no.9, 1937-1947.

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  68. Song, Lixin, Northouse, Laurel L., Zhang, Lingling, Braun, Thomas M., Cimprich, Bernadine, Ronis, David L., Mood, Darlene W.. Study of dyadic communication in couples managing prostate cancer: a longitudinal perspective. Psycho-oncology, vol.21, no.1, 72-81.

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  73. Winters-Stone, Kerri M., Lyons, Karen S., Dobek, Jessica, Dieckmann, Nathan F., Bennett, Jill A., Nail, Lillian, Beer, Tomasz M.. Benefits of partnered strength training for prostate cancer survivors and spouses: results from a randomized controlled trial of the Exercising Together project. Journal of cancer survivorship, vol.10, no.4, 633-644.

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안녕하세요, AI-Helper입니다. 좌측 "선택된 텍스트"에서 텍스트를 선택하여 요약, 번역, 용어설명을 실행하세요.
※ AI-Helper는 부적절한 답변을 할 수 있습니다.

선택된 텍스트
