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Synthesis and characterization of eco-friendly carboxymethyl cellulose based carbon foam using electron beam irradiation

Composites. Part B, Engineering, v.151, 2018년, pp.154 - 160  

Kim, Hong Gun (Institute of Carbon Technology, Jeonju University) ,  Kwac, Lee Ku (Institute of Carbon Technology, Jeonju University) ,  Kim, Yong-Sun (Institute of Carbon Technology, Jeonju University) ,  Shin, Hye Kyoung (Institute of Carbon Technology, Jeonju University) ,  Rhee, Kyong-Yop (School of Mechanical and Industrial Systems Engineering, Kyunghee University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Carbon foams were prepared by carbonization process without additional stabilization process after manufacturing carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) composites using a facile electron beam irradiation (EBI) method. A gel fractionation technique was used to study cross-linking degree of infusible...


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