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Vocational Aptitude Test 원문보기

SHS web of conferences, v.42, 2018년, pp.00044 -   

Candiasa, I Made ,  Natajaya, Nyoman ,  Widiartini, Ketut ,  Abdullah, A.G. ,  Foley, J. ,  Suryaputra, I.G.N.A. ,  Hellman, A.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Test for measuring vocational aptitude has been formulated and validated. There are three main constructs involved in vocational aptitude test, which are individual characteristics, activities that are likely to be selected, and professions that tend to be idolized. Individual characteristics indica...

참고문헌 (18)

  1. Mukhopadhyay Rajib, “Scientific Aptitude - Some Psychometric Considerations with Special Emphasis to Aptitude in Physics”, Educationia Confab. Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2013 

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  3. Carter Philip, IQ and Aptitude Tests, London: Kogan Page, 2007. 

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  10. 10.3102/00346543047001001 Witkin H. A., Oltman P. K., Raskin E., dan S.A. Karp, “Field-Dependent and Field-Independent Cognitive Style and Their Educational Implications”, Review of Educational Research, Vol. 47, 1977. 

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  13. Davis Gregory A., “Learning Style and Personality Type Preferences of Community Development Extension Educators”, Journal of Agricultural Education, Volume 47, Number 1, 2006. 

  14. 10.13031/2013.20213 Zimmerman A. P., Johnson R. G., Hoover T. S., Hilton J. W., Heinemann P. H., Buckmaster D. R., “Comparison of Personality Types and Learning Styles of Engineering Students, Agriculutural Systems Management Students, and Faculty in an Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department”, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Vol. 49(1), 2006. 

  15. Mancy Rebecca, Reid Norman, “Aspects of Cognitive Style and Programming”, 16th Workshop of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group. Carlow, Ireland, April 2004. 

  16. 10.1186/2229-0443-2-2-61 Soureshjani Kamal Heidari, “Cognitive Styles on C-Test and Cloze-Elide Test: Which Style Acts Better? ”, Language Testing in Asia Volume two, Issue two, May 2012. 

  17. Santos Eugene, Nguyen Hien, Yu Fei, Li Deqing, Wilkinson John T., “Impacts of Analysts’ Cognitive Styles on the Analytic Process”, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, 2010. 

  18. Mutlu Mehmet and Temiz Burak Kagan, “Science process skills of students having field dependent and field independent cognitive styles”, Academic Journal, Vol.8(11), 2013. 

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