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Transcriptome analysis of the threatened snail Ellobium chinense reveals candidate genes for adaptation and identifies SSRs for conservation genetics

Genes & genomics, v.40 no.4, 2018년, pp.333 - 347  

Kang, Se Won ,  Patnaik, Bharat Bhusan ,  Park, So Young ,  Hwang, Hee-Ju ,  Chung, Jong Min ,  Sang, Min Kyu ,  Min, Hye Rin ,  Park, Jie Eun ,  Seong, Jiyeon ,  Jo, Yong Hun ,  Noh, Mi Young ,  Lee, Jong Dae ,  Jung, Ki Yoon ,  Park, Hong Seog ,  Han, Yeon Soo ,  Lee, Jun Sang ,  Lee, Yong Seok

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참고문헌 (57)

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