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Measurement of Auto-Focus Driving Distance for Mobile Phone Camera Lens Using a Confocal Displacement Sensor
공초점 변위 센서를 이용한 폰 카메라 렌즈의 자동초점 구동 측정

한국정밀공학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering, v.35 no.1, 2018년, pp.71 - 77  

Son, Suk Woo ,  Kihm, Hagyong

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (12)

  1. 권태권, 김영길. VCM(Voice Coil Motor) Actuator변경구조를 통한 AUTO Focusing 카메라모듈 성능최적화. 한국해양정보통신학회논문지 = The journal of the Korea Institute of Maritime Information & Communication Sciences, vol.15, no.6, 1381-1385.

  2. Kwon, Jong-Hoon, Rhee, Hyug-Gyo, Ghim, Young-Sik, Lee, Yun-Woo. Field-Curvature Correction According to the Curvature of a CMOS Image-Sensor Using Air-Gap Optimization. Journal of the Optical Society of Korea, vol.19, no.6, 658-664.

  3. Son, S. W., Kihm, H. Y., and Yang, H. S, “Effect of Die Bonding Epoxy on the Warpage and Optical Performance of Mobile Phone Camera Packages,” Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 1-9, 2016. 

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  6. Vertoparakhov, V. V., “Influence of the Shape of an Object and the Orientation of Its Surface on the Accuracy of Laser Triangulation Measurement,” Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing, No. 6, pp. 61-65, 1995. 

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  11. Miks, Antonin, Novak, Jiri, Novak, Pavel. Analysis of method for measuring thickness of plane-parallel plates and lenses using chromatic confocal sensor. Applied optics, vol.49, no.17, 3259-.

  12. Browne, M. A., Akinyemi, O., Boyde, A.. Confocal surface profiling utilizing chromatic aberration. Scanning : the journal of scanning microscopies, vol.14, no.3, 145-153.

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