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[국내논문] Socioeconomic Distinctions and Determinants of Housing Expenditure for Home-Owning and Renting Households
자가가구와 차가가구의 사회경제적 차이 및 주거비 지출 영향요인

한국주거학회 논문집 = Journal of the Korean Housing Association, v.29 no.1, 2018년, pp.59 - 70  

Lee, Hyunjeong ,  Kim, Daekyu ,  Jeong, Changmin

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (24)

  1. Seoul Studies Bae 14 1 23 2013 A study on housing affordability of university student in Seoul 

  2. Bae, S., Kim, M., & Lim, E. (2013). A study on housing affordability measures and standards for policy applications. Anyang, Gyeonggi Province: Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements(KRIHS) Report No. 2013-52.BaeS.KimM.&LimE.2013A study on housing affordability measures and standards for policy applicationsAnyang, Gyeonggi Province: Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements(KRIHS)Report No. 2013-52 

  3. BOK(The Bank of Korea) (2018). Economic statistics system. Retrieved from http://ecos.bok.or.kr/BOK(The Bank of Korea)2018Economic statistics systemRetrieved from http://ecos.bok.or.kr/ 

  4. Chae, M. H. (2017). Analysis of payable housing through measuring the ability to pay housing expenses by life cycle. Unpublished master’s thesis, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea.ChaeM. H.2017Analysis of payable housing through measuring the ability to pay housing expenses by life cycleUnpublished master’s thesisHongik UniversitySeoul, Korea 

  5. Housing Studies Review Choi 19 3 123 2011 Analysis on effect of housing expenditure reduction in national rental housing 

  6. Korea Real Estate Academy Review Choi 59 45 2014 A study on housing affordability for rental residents employing logit models 

  7. Journal of the Korea Real Estate Analysts Association Chung 18 2 19 2012 Housing costs and household formation of young adults in Korea 

  8. Rising housing cost burden HRI (Hyundai Research Institute) 2012 

  9. KB (Kookmin Bank) (2018). Monthly housing price watch. Retrieved from http://nland.kbstar.com/quics?page=B025966KB (Kookmin Bank)2018Monthly housing price watchRetrieved from http://nland.kbstar.com/quics?page=B025966 

  10. Journal of Association of Korean Geographers Koh 33 2 47 2017 A study on the housing cost burden for elderly households 

  11. Housing Studies Review Kwon 24 3 49 2016 A study on the determinants of housing expenditure burden considering family life cycle 

  12. 권연화, 최열. 노년층의 가구구성 및 주택점유형태에 따른 주거비 부담능력에 관한 분석. 대한토목학회논문집 = Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers, vol.35, no.4, 977-986.

  13. 이현정. 예비 사회진출자의 졸업 후 주거에 대한 기대 및 주거비 부담에 대한 인식. 한국주거학회 논문집 = Journal of the Korean Housing Association, vol.24, no.4, 29-37.

  14. 이현정. 수도권 사회진출초기 임차자의 주거비 실태. 한국주거학회 논문집 = Journal of the Korean Housing Association, vol.26, no.1, 71-79.

  15. Korea Housing Survey. Journal of the Korean Housing Association Lee 22 4 23 2017 Young single-person renter households’ housing situation and expectations in relation to family support and housing cost burden reflected in the 2014 Korea Housing Survey 

  16. Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies Lee 46 3 153 2015 10.16999/kasws.2015.46.3.153 The effect of housing cost burden on the quality of life among tenants living in public rental housing 

  17. Journal of Korean Social Welfare Administration Lee 12 2 1 2010 Comparing levels of housing welfare between households with disable members and without disabled members 

  18. Korean Journal of Social Welfare Lim 68 3 29 2016 10.20970/kasw.2016.68.3.002 The determinants of housing affordability 

  19. Park, G. -W. (2016). An analysis on the relationship between the structural change of rental housing market and renter’s housing cost burden of Seoul. Unpublished master’s thesis, the University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea.ParkG. -W.2016An analysis on the relationship between the structural change of rental housing market and renter’s housing cost burden of SeoulUnpublished master’s thesisthe University of SeoulSeoul, Korea 

  20. The Korea Spatial Planning Review Park 87 33 2015 Determinants of housing expenditure in Seoul metropolitan area, 2006-2014 

  21. Statistics Korea (2018). National statistics portal. Retrieved from http://kosis.kr/Statistics Korea2018National statistics portalRetrieved from http://kosis.kr/http://kosis.kr/ 

  22. Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design Yang 28 10 65 2012 A study on the housing cost alleviation of permanent rental housing with the user of renewable energy generation business 

  23. Journal of Regional Studies and Development Yoo 26 1 1 2017 Determinants of housing cost burden for low income tenants 

  24. 유서연, 정여진, 이세연, 이현정. 수도권과 비수도권 대학생의 주거비 및 주거비 부모 지원 인식과 실태. 한국생활과학회지 = Korean journal of human ecology, vol.23, no.6, 1231-1247.


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