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[해외논문] The effectiveness of functional task exercise and physical therapy as prevention of functional decline in community dwelling older people with complex health problems 원문보기

BMC geriatrics, v.18, 2018년, pp.164 -   

Siemonsma, Petra C. (TNO Healthy Living, Leiden, Schipholweg 77-89, 2316 ZL Leiden, The Netherlands) ,  Blom, Jeanet W. (Department of Public Health and Primary Care (V0-P), Leiden University Medical Center, Postbox 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands) ,  Hofstetter, Hedwig (TNO Healthy Living, Leiden, Schipholweg 77-89, 2316 ZL Leiden, The Netherlands) ,  van Hespen, Ariëtte T. H. (TNO Healthy Living, Leiden, Schipholweg 77-89, 2316 ZL Leiden, The Netherlands) ,  Gussekloo, Jacobijn (Department of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands) ,  Drewes, Yvonne M. (Department of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands) ,  van Meeteren, Nico L. U. (TNO Healthy Living, Leiden, Schipholweg 77-89, 2316 ZL Leiden, The Netherlands)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

BackgroundA physically active lifestyle in older people contributes to the preservation of good health. We assessed the influence of physiotherapy on daily functioning among community dwelling older people (75+) with complex health problems identified with screening, versus usual care. We also compa...


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