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[해외논문] The Raman and infra‐red spectra of methane‐, ethane‐ and isopropane‐phosphoryl dichloride

Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas, v.76 no.6, 1957년, pp.481 - 489  

Gerding, H. ,  Maarsen, J. W.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThe Raman and infrared spectra of H3CPOCl2, H5C2POCl2, and iso‐H7C3POCl2 have been investigated. Assuming the symmetry C8 for the skeletal structure CPOCl2 in these compounds, the frequencies found can be assigned fully for H3CPOCl2 and H5C2POCl2, and in the lower region in iso‐...

참고문헌 (20)

  1. Daasch, L, Smith, D. Infrared Spectra of Phosphorus Compounds. Analytical chemistry, vol.23, no.6, 853-868.

  2. 10.1039/jr9520000475 L. J.BellamyandL.Beecher J. Chem. Soc.1952 475. 

  3. 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.05-1179 

  4. Bell, Jerome V., Heisler, Julius, Tannenbaum, Harvey, Goldenson, Jerome. A Linear Phosphoryl Absorption Relationship. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.76, no.20, 5185-5189.

  5. Z. Elektrochem. Baudler M. 173 59 1955 

  6. Rosenbaum, E. J., Rubin, Dorothy J., Sandberg, C. Roger. The Raman Spectra of Phosphorus Methyl and Arsenic Methyl and the Force Constants of the Methyl Compounds of the Fifth Group Elements. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.8, no.5, 366-368.

  7. Daasch, L. W., Smith, D. C.. The Infrared and Raman Spectra of Trimethylphosphine Oxide. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.19, no.1, 22-25.

  8. For full experimental details see:J. W.Maarsen Thesis Amsterdam (1956). 

  9. This spectrograph built at the Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry of the University of Amsterdam at the suggestion of Prof. Dr. W. van Tongeren was kindly put at our disposal by him. 

  10. W. J.Nijveld Thesis Amsterdam (1939); 

  11. Nijveld, W. J., Gerding, H.. Apparatur zur Messung des Polarisationszustands von Ramanlinien. Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas, vol.59, no.12, 1198-1205.

  12. The meaning of the symbols used with the frequencies is as follows: Raman: s = sharp uns = unsharp b = broad d = diffuse e f g = resp. 4358 Å 4347 Å and 4339 Å wp = weakly polarized dp = depolarized. Of the numbers between the brackets the first denotes the visually estimated intensity and the second the depolarization factor. Infrared: vw = very weak w = weak m = medium s = strong vs = very strong. 

  13. 10.1039/jr9540004555 D. E. C.CorbridgeandE. J.Lowe J. Chem. Soc.1954 4555. 

  14. H. G.Having Thesis Amsterdam1955; 

  15. Gerding, H., Haring, H. G.. Raman spectra of aliphatic chlorine compounds: I. Chloroethanes and chloropropanes. Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas, vol.74, no.7, 841-875.

  16. Sheppard, N.. The infra-red spectra and assignment of the fundamental frequencies of the alkyl halides. II.—isopropyl halides. Transactions of the Faraday Society, vol.46, 533-539.

  17. Gore, R. C.. Infra-red spectra of organic thiophosphates. Discussions of the Faraday Society, vol.9, 138-143.

  18. 10.1039/jr9520001701 L. J.BellamyandL.Beecher J. Chem. Soc.1952 1701; compare footnote 2. 

  19. J. Chem. Phys. Daasch L. W. 1292 22 1954 10.1063/1.1740386 

  20. Comptes rendus Delwaulle M. L. 550 222 1946 

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