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[해외논문] High-Pressure Reverse Osmosis for Energy-Efficient Hypersaline Brine Desalination: Current Status, Design Considerations, and Research Needs 원문보기

Environmental science & technology letters, v.5 no.8, 2018년, pp.467 - 475  

Davenport, Douglas M. (Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering , Yale University , New Haven , Connecticut 06520-8286 , United States) ,  Deshmukh, Akshay (Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering , Yale University , New Haven , Connecticut 06520-8286 , United States) ,  Werber, Jay R. (Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering , Yale University , New Haven , Connecticut 06520-8286 , United States) ,  Elimelech, Menachem

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Water scarcity, expected to become more widespread in the coming years, demands renewed attention to freshwater protection and management. Critical to this effort are the minimization of freshwater withdrawals and elimination of wastewater discharge, both of which can be achieved via zero liquid dis...

참고문헌 (82)

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