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The role of childhood emotional maltreatment and body image dissatisfaction in problematic smartphone use among adolescents 원문보기

Psychiatry research, v.271, 2019년, pp.634 - 639  

Emirtekin, Emrah (The Centre for Open and Distance Learning, Yaş) ,  Balta, Sabah (ar University) ,  Sural, İrfan (School of Applied Sciences, Yaş) ,  Kircaburun, Kagan (ar University) ,  Griffiths, Mark D. (Computer and Instructional Technologies Department, Osmangazi University) ,  Billieux, Joel (Computer and Instructional Technologies Department, Duzce University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Growing empirical evidence has identified specific psychological and contextual risk factors associated with problematic smartphone use (PSU). However, the potential direct and indirect impact of childhood emotional maltreatment (CEM) on PSU remains largely unexplored, despite the establis...


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