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[해외논문] Covert Stuttering: Investigation of the Paradigm Shift From Covertly Stuttering to Overtly Stuttering

AJSLP : American journal of speech-language pathology, v.27 no.3, 2018년, pp.1235 - 1243  

Douglass, Jill E. (Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT) ,  Schwab, Maria (Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN) ,  Alvarado, Jacqueline (Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

PurposeCovert stuttering is a type of stuttering experience that occurs when a person who stutters conceals his or her stutter from others, attempting to be perceived as a nonstuttering individual. A person who covertly stutters experiences the cognitive and emotional elements of stuttering with min...

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