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[해외논문] Metamaterial for elastostatic cloaking under thermal gradients 원문보기

Scientific reports, v.9, 2019년, pp.3614 -   

Álvarez Hostos, Juan C. (Centro de Investigació) ,  Fachinotti, Víctor D. (n de Mé) ,  Peralta, Ignacio (todos Computacionales (CIMEC), Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL))

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We introduce the optimization-based method for the design of thermo-mechanical metamaterials and, particularly, for the elastostatic cloaking under thermal loads. It consists of solving a large-scale, nonlinear constrained optimization problem, where the objective function is the error in the cloaki...

참고문헌 (41)

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