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Stable keyhole welding of 1 mm thick copper with a 600 W blue laser system

Journal of laser applications, v.31 no.2, 2019년, pp.022404 -   

Zediker, M. S. (NUBURU Incorporated , Centennial, Colorado 80112) ,  Fritz, R. D. (NUBURU Incorporated , Centennial, Colorado 80112) ,  Finuf, M. J. (NUBURU Incorporated , Centennial, Colorado 80112) ,  Pelaprat, J. M. (NUBURU Incorporated , Centennial, Colorado 80112)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper will report on the first full penetration bead on plate tests of a 1 mm thick copper plate with a 600-W blue laser with nominal spatter remaining on the surface. The 600-W continuous wave laser is focused to a spot size of approximately 200 μm, resulting in an average intensity at the ...

참고문헌 (6)

  1. Proc. SPIE 9741 97410G 2016 10.1117/12.2213293 High-power CW and long pulse lasers in the green wavelength regime for copper welding 

  2. Opt. Lett. 41 171 2016 10.1364/OL.41.000171 Highly efficient 400 Watt near fundamental mode green thin disk laser 

  3. Proc. SPIE 8964 896407 2014 10.1117/12.2058733 SM green fiber laser operating in CW and QCW regimes and producing over 550 W of average output power 

  4. Proc. SPIE 8433 84330V 2012 Stabilization of laser welding processes by means of beam oscillation 

  5. Phys. Procedia 12 339 2011 10.1016/j.phpro.2011.03.142 Process studies on laser welding of copper with brilliant green and infrared lasers 

  6. E. Spisz, A. Weigand, R. Bowman, and J. Jack, “Solar absorptances and spectral reflectance’s of 12 metals from temperature ranging from 300 to 500 K,” NASA TN D5353 (1969). 

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