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Pre-operative pulmonary assessment and risk factors for post-operative pulmonary complications in elective abdominal surgery in Nigeria 원문보기

African health sciences, v.19 no.1, 2019년, pp.1745 - 1756  

Ufoaroh, Chinyelu Uchenna (Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital, Medicine) ,  Ele, Prince Udegbunam (Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi, Medicine) ,  Anyabolu, Arthur Ebelenna (Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi, Medicine) ,  Enemuo, Emeka Hyacinth (Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi, Medicine) ,  Emegoakor, Chiemelu Dickson (Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Surgery) ,  Okoli, Chinedu Christian (Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Surgery) ,  Umeh, Eric Okechukwu (Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Radiology) ,  Anyabolu, Ernest Ndukaife (Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background and ObjectivesPost-operative pulmonary complications (PPCs) are recurring causes of rising morbidity and mortality in surgeries. This study sought to evaluate pre-operative risk factors for PPCs in abdominal surgerypatients in Nigeria.MethodologyThis was a prospective study in patients bo...


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