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[해외논문] Research on ARM TrustZone

Getmobile : mobile computing & communications review, v.22 no.3, 2019년, pp.17 - 22  

Li, Wenhao (Shaghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Shi, China) ,  Xia, Yubin (Shaghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Shi, China) ,  Chen, Haibo (Shaghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Shi, China)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

ARM TrustZone [1] is a hardware-based security feature that can provide software with a high-privilege and isolated execution environment. Such isolation is ensured by hardware, which is usually considered as more trustworthy than software. Thus the execution environment is also known as trusted exe...

참고문헌 (26)

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