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[국내논문] Data resource profile: oral examination of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 원문보기

대한구강보건학회지 = Journal of the Korean academy of dental health, v.42 no.4, 2018년, pp.101 -   

Woo, Gyeong-Ji (Division of Health and Nutrition Survey, Center for Disease and Prevention, Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Chungju, Korea.) ,  Lee, Hye-Rin (Department of Preventive and Public Health Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Research Institute of Oral Science, Gangneung, Korea.) ,  Kim, Yoonjung (Division of Health and Nutrition Survey, Center for Disease and Prevention, Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Chungju, Korea.) ,  Kim, Hye-Jin (Division of Health and Nutrition Survey, Center for Disease and Prevention, Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Chungju, Korea.) ,  Park, Deok-Young (Department of Preventive and Public Health Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Research Institute of Oral Science, Gangneung, Korea.) ,  Kim, Jin-Bom (Departments of Preventive & Community Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University, Yangsan, Korea.) ,  Oh, Kyung-Won (Division of Health and Nutrition Survey, Center for Disease and Prevention, Korea Centers for Disease Control & Preventio) ,  Choi, Youn-Hee

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (8)

  1. Korea health statistics 2015: Korea national health and nutrition examination survey (KNHANES VI-3) Ministry of Health & Welfare, Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention 1 2016 

  2. 2015 Korean children's oral health survey Ministry of Health & Welfare 13 2016 

  3. Int J Epidemiol Kweon 43 1 69 2014 10.1093/ije/dyt228 

  4. The sixth Korea national health and nutrition examination survey(2013-2015) guideline Ministry of Health & Welfare, Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention 167 2015 

  5. Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Korea national health and nutrition examination survey (KNAHNES), Microdata, Microdata download [Internet]. cited 2018 Mar 30. Available from: https://knhanes.cdc.go.kr/knhanes/sub03/sub03_02_02.do 

  6. Standardization for oral health survey in KNHANES(2015) Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 48 2015 

  7. 2015 Korea children's oral health survey Ministry of Health and Welfare 94 2016 

  8. J Korean Acad Oral Health Choi 37 3 167 2013 10.11149/jkaoh.2013.37.3.167 

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