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[해외논문] Development of Dual Drug Eluting Cardiovascular Stent with Ultrathin Flexible Poly(L-lactide-co-caprolactone) Coating

ACS biomaterials science & engineering, v.5 no.6, 2019년, pp.2899 - 2915  

Roopmani, Purandhi (Department of Cardiology , Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) , Pondicherry −) ,  Satheesh, Santhosh (605006 , India) ,  Raj, David C. ,  Krishnan, Uma Maheswari

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The pleiotropic effects of the atorvastatin-fenofibrate combination can be effectively harnessed for site-specific therapy to minimize stent-related complications. The present study aims to utilize the pleiotropic effects of these two drugs entrapped in a uniform and defect-free coating of poly(L-la...


참고문헌 (69)

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