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Protons Make Possible Heterolytic Activation of Hydrogen Peroxide over Zr-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks

ACS catalysis, v.9 no.11, 2019년, pp.9699 - 9704  

Maksimchuk, Nataliya V. (Boreskov Institute of Catalysis , Pr. Lavrentieva 5 , Novosibirsk 630090 , Russia) ,  Lee, Ji Sun (Research Center for Nanocatalysts , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , P.O. Box 107, Yuseong, Daejeon 305-600 , Korea) ,  Solovyeva, Marina V. (Boreskov Institute of Catalysis , Pr. Lavrentieva 5 , Novosibirsk 630090 , Russia) ,  Cho, Kyung Ho (Research Center for Nanocatalysts , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , P.O. Box 107, Yuseong, Daejeon 305-600 , Korea) ,  Shmakov, Aleksandr N. (Boreskov Institute of Catalysis , Pr. Lavrentieva 5 , Novosibirsk 630090 , Russia) ,  Chesalov, Yuriy A. (Boreskov Institute of Catalysis , Pr. Lavrentieva 5 , Novosibirsk 630090 , Russia) ,  Chang, Jong-San (Research Center for Nanocatalysts , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , P.O. Box 107, Yuseong, Daejeon 305-600 , Korea) ,  Kholdeeva, Oxana A.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The catalytic performance of zirconium-based metal-organic frameworks (UiO-66, UiO-67, and MOF-801) in cyclohexene oxidation with aqueous hydrogen peroxide can be greatly improved by adding a source of protons directly into the reaction mixture. A blend of Zr-MOF and protons favors heterolytic activ...


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  45. Maksimchuk, Nataliya V., Kovalenko, Konstantin A., Arzumanov, Sergey S., Chesalov, Yurii A., Melgunov, Maxim S., Stepanov, Alexander G., Fedin, Vladimir P., Kholdeeva, Oxana A.. Hybrid Polyoxotungstate/MIL-101 Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalysis of H2O2-Based Alkene Epoxidation. Inorganic chemistry, vol.49, no.6, 2920-2930.

  46. Morandin, Marco, Gavagnin, Roberta, Pinna, Francesco, Strukul, Giorgio. Oxidation of Cyclohexene with Hydrogen Peroxide Using Zirconia–Silica Mixed Oxides: Control of the Surface Hydrophilicity and Influence on the Activity of the Catalyst and Hydrogen Peroxide Efficiency. Journal of catalysis, vol.212, no.2, 193-200.

  47. Kholdeeva, Oxana A., Maksimovskaya, Raisa I.. Titanium- and zirconium-monosubstituted polyoxometalates as molecular models for studying mechanisms of oxidation catalysis. Journal of molecular catalysis. A, Chemical, vol.262, no.1, 7-24.

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  52. Kholdeeva, O. A., Maksimov, G. M., Maksimovskaya, R. I., Vanina, M. P., Trubitsina, T. A., Naumov, D. Y., Kolesov, B. A., Antonova, N. S., Carbo, J. J., Poblet, J. M.. ZrIV-Monosubstituted Keggin-Type Dimeric Polyoxometalates: Synthesis, Characterization, Catalysis of H2O2-Based Oxidations, and Theoretical Study. Inorganic chemistry, vol.45, no.18, 7224-7234.

  53. Jiménez-Lozano, Pablo, Ivanchikova, Irina D., Kholdeeva, Oxana A., Poblet, Josep M., Carbó, Jorge J.. Alkene oxidation by Ti-containing polyoxometalates. Unambiguous characterization of the role of the protonation state. Chemical communications : Chem comm, vol.48, no.74, 9266-9268.

  54. Torbina, Viktoriia V., Nedoseykina, Nadezhda S., Ivanchikova, Irina D., Kholdeeva, Oxana A., Vodyankina, Olga V.. Propylene glycol oxidation with hydrogen peroxide over Zr-containing metal-organic framework UiO-66. Catalysis today, vol.333, 47-53.

  55. Kholdeeva, Oxana A., Trubitsina, Tatiana A., Timofeeva, Maria N., Maksimov, Gennadii M., Maksimovskaya, Raisa I., Rogov, Vladimir A.. The role of protons in cyclohexene oxidation with H2O2 catalysed by Ti(IV)-monosubstituted Keggin polyoxometalate. Journal of molecular catalysis. A, Chemical, vol.232, no.1, 173-178.

  56. Kholdeeva, Oxana A.. Hydrogen Peroxide Activation over TiIV: What Have We Learned from Studies on Ti‐Containing Polyoxometalates?. European journal of inorganic chemistry, vol.2013, no.10, 1595-1605.

  57. Antonova, Nadya S., Carbó, Jorge J., Kortz, Ulrich, Kholdeeva, Oxana A., Poblet, Josep M.. Mechanistic Insights into Alkene Epoxidation with H2O2 by Ti- and other TM-Containing Polyoxometalates: Role of the Metal Nature and Coordination Environment. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.132, no.21, 7488-7497.

  58. Maksimchuk, Nataliya V., Ivanchikova, Irina D., Maksimov, Gennadii M., Eltsov, Ilia V., Evtushok, Vasilii Yu., Kholdeeva, Oxana A., Lebbie, Daniel, Errington, R. John, Solé-Daura, Albert, Poblet, Josep M., Carbó, Jorge J.. Why Does Nb(V) Show Higher Heterolytic Pathway Selectivity Than Ti(IV) in Epoxidation with H2O2? Answers from Model Studies on Nb- and Ti-Substituted Lindqvist Tungstates. ACS catalysis, vol.9, no.7, 6262-6275.

  59. Klet, Rachel C., Liu, Yangyang, Wang, Timothy C., Hupp, Joseph T., Farha, Omar K.. Evaluation of Brønsted acidity and proton topology in Zr- and Hf-based metal-organic frameworks using potentiometric acid-base titration. Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability, vol.4, no.4, 1479-1485.

  60. Nakagawa, Y., Mizuno, N.. Mechanism of [&ggr;-H2SiV2W10O40]4--Catalyzed Epoxidation of Alkenes with Hydrogen Peroxide. Inorganic chemistry, vol.46, no.5, 1727-1736.

  61. Bassil, Bassem S., Mal, Sib Sankar, Dickman, Michael H., Kortz, Ulrich, Oelrich, Holger, Walder, Lorenz. 6-Peroxo-6-Zirconium Crown and Its Hafnium Analogue Embedded in a Triangular Polyanion: [M6(O2)6(OH)6(γ-SiW10O36)3]18− (M = Zr, Hf). Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.130, no.21, 6696-6697.

  62. Mal, Sib Sankar, Nsouli, Nadeen H., Carraro, Mauro, Sartorel, Andrea, Scorrano, Gianfranco, Oelrich, Holger, Walder, Lorenz, Bonchio, Marcella, Kortz, Ulrich. Peroxo-Zr/Hf-Containing Undecatungstosilicates and -Germanates. Inorganic chemistry, vol.49, no.1, 7-9.


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