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Examination of Commercial Biochars to Compare Their Endosulfan Adsorption Properties
상용 바이오차의 유기염소계 농약 endosulfan 흡착능 비교평가 원문보기

농약과학회지 = The Korean journal of pesticide science, v.23 no.3, 2019년, pp.172 - 176  

Bae, Ji-Yeon ,  Lee, Deuk-Yeong ,  Choi, Ik-Won ,  Lee, Jin-Hwan ,  Kim, Jin-Hyo

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (20)

  1. Ali, Neelum, Khan, Sardar, Li, Yaying, Zheng, Ningguo, Yao, Huaiying. Influence of biochars on the accessibility of organochlorine pesticides and microbial community in contaminated soils. The Science of the total environment, vol.647, 551-560.

  2. Cha, J.S., Park, S.H., Jung, S.C., Ryu, C., Jeon, J.K., Shin, M.C., Park, Y.K.. Production and utilization of biochar: A review. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry : JIEC, vol.40, 1-15.

  3. 최근형, 정동규, 임성진, 노진호, 류송희, 박병준, 문병철, 김진효. 다소비 채소작물인 시금치와 당근의 토양 중 엔도설판 흡수이행능. Journal of applied biological chemistry, vol.60, no.4, 339-342.

  4. Choi, Geun-Hyoung, Lee, Deuk-Yeong, Seo, Dong-Cheol, Kim, Leesun, Lim, Sung-Jin, Ryu, Song-Hee, Park, Byung-Jun, Kim, Jeong-Han, Kim, Jin Hyo. Endosulfan Plant Uptake Suppression Effect on Char Amendment in Oriental Radish. Water, air, and soil pollution, vol.229, no.1, 24-.

  5. 최근형, 이득영, 배지연, 노진호, 문병철, 김진효. 수도작 작물의 과불소화합물 흡수이행성. Journal of applied biological chemistry, vol.61, no.2, 191-194.

  6. Choi, Geun-Hyoung, Lee, Deuk-Yeong, Ryu, Song-Hee, 노, 진호, Park, Byung-Jun, Moon, Byung-Cheol, Kim, Jin-Hyo. Investigation of the Bioconcentration Factor of Endosulfan for Rice from Soil. 농약과학회지 = The Korean journal of pesticide science, vol.22, no.1, 25-28.

  7. Ding, Yang, Liu, Yunguo, Liu, Shaobo, Li, Zhongwu, Tan, Xiaofei, Huang, Xixian, Zeng, Guangming, Zhou, Lu, Zheng, Bohong. Biochar to improve soil fertility. A review. Agronomy for sustainable development, vol.36, no.2, 36-.

  8. Fan, Ruemei, Chen, Ching-lung, Lin, Jui-yen, Tzeng, Jing-hua, Huang, Chih-pin, Dong, Chengdi, Huang, C.P.. Adsorption characteristics of ammonium ion onto hydrous biochars in dilute aqueous solutions. Bioresource technology : biomass, bioenergy, biowastes, conversion technologies, biotransformations, production technologies, vol.272, 465-472.

  9. Feng, Zhengjun, Zhu, Lizhong. Sorption of phenanthrene to biochar modified by base. Frontiers of environmental science & engineering, vol.12, no.2, 1-.

  10. Hwang, Jeong-In, Lee, Sung-Eun, Kim, Jang-Eok. Plant Uptake and Distribution of Endosulfan and Its Sulfate Metabolite Persisted in Soil. PloS one, vol.10, no.11, e0141728-.

  11. Kim, J.H., Ok, Y.S., Choi, G.H., Park, B.J.. Residual perfluorochemicals in the biochar from sewage sludge. Chemosphere, vol.134, 435-437.

  12. Leng, Lijian, Huang, Huajun, Li, Hui, Li, Jun, Zhou, Wenguang. Biochar stability assessment methods: A review. The Science of the total environment, vol.647, 210-222.

  13. Chen, Yi-di, Lin, Yen-Chang, Ho, Shih-Hsin, Zhou, Yan, Ren, Nan-qi. Highly efficient adsorption of dyes by biochar derived from pigments-extracted macroalgae pyrolyzed at different temperature. Bioresource technology : biomass, bioenergy, biowastes, conversion technologies, biotransformations, production technologies, vol.259, 104-110.

  14. Mohan, D., Sarswat, A., Ok, Y.S., Pittman, C.U.. Organic and inorganic contaminants removal from water with biochar, a renewable, low cost and sustainable adsorbent - A critical review. Bioresource technology : biomass, bioenergy, biowastes, conversion technologies, biotransformations, production technologies, vol.160, 191-202.

  15. 박병준, 이병무, 김찬섭, 박경훈, 박상원, 권혜영, 김진효, 최근형, 임성진. 전국 농경지 토양 중 농약 잔류량 모니터링 및 연차별 변화. 농약과학회지 = The Korean journal of pesticide science, vol.17, no.4, 283-292.

  16. Pourhashem, Ghasideh, Hung, Shih Yu, Medlock, Kenneth B., Masiello, Caroline A.. Policy support for biochar: Review and recommendations. Global change biology. Bioenergy, vol.11, no.2, 364-380.

  17. Shaaban, Muhammad, Van Zwieten, Lukas, Bashir, Saqib, Younas, Aneela, Núñez-Delgado, Avelino, Chhajro, Muhammad Afzal, Kubar, Kashif Ali, Ali, Umeed, Rana, Muhammad Shoaib, Mehmood, Mirza Abid, Hu, Ronggui. A concise review of biochar application to agricultural soils to improve soil conditions and fight pollution. Journal of environmental management, vol.228, 429-440.

  18. Shaheen, Sabry M., Niazi, Nabeel Khan, Hassan, Noha E. E., Bibi, Irshad, Wang, Hailong, Tsang, Daniel C. W., Ok, Yong Sik, Bolan, Nanthi, Rinklebe, Jörg. Wood-based biochar for the removal of potentially toxic elements in water and wastewater: a critical review. International materials reviews, vol.64, no.4, 216-247.

  19. Varjani, Sunita, Kumar, Gopalakrishnan, Rene, Eldon R.. Developments in biochar application for pesticide remediation: Current knowledge and future research directions. Journal of environmental management, vol.232, 505-513.

  20. Wang, Peifang, Yin, Yayun, Guo, Yong, Wang, Chao. Preponderant adsorption for chlorpyrifos over atrazine by wheat straw-derived biochar: experimental and theoretical studies. RSC advances, vol.6, no.13, 10615-10624.

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