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[해외논문] Conformational heterogeneity of the Pfr chromophore in plant and cyanobacterial phytochromes 원문보기

Frontiers in molecular biosciences, v.2, 2015년, pp.37 -   

Velazquez Escobar, Francisco (Institut fü) ,  von Stetten, David (r Chemie, Technische Universitä) ,  Günther-Lütkens, Mina (t Berlin) ,  Keidel, Anke (Institut fü) ,  Michael, Norbert (r Chemie, Technische Universitä) ,  Lamparter, Tilman (t Berlin) ,  Essen, Lars-Oliver (Institut fü) ,  Hughes, Jon (r Chemie, Technische Universitä) ,  Gärtner, Wolfgang (t Berlin) ,  Yang, Yang (Institut fü) ,  Heyne, Karsten (r Chemie, Technische Universitä) ,  Mroginski, Maria A. (t Berlin) ,  Hildebrandt, Peter (Institut fü)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Phytochromes are biological photoreceptors that can be reversibly photoconverted between a dark and photoactivated state. The underlying reaction sequences are initiated by the photoisomerization of the tetrapyrrole cofactor, which in plant and cyanobacterial phytochromes are a phytochromobilin (P&P...


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