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Effects of Ni and Cu addition on cryogenic-temperature tensile and Charpy impact properties in austenitic 22Mn-0.45C–1Al steels

Journal of alloys and compounds, v.815, 2020년, pp.152407 -   

Kim, Bohee (Center for Advanced Aerospace Materials Pohang University of Science and Technology) ,  Lee, Seok Gyu (Center for Advanced Aerospace Materials Pohang University of Science and Technology) ,  Kim, Dae Woong (Center for Advanced Aerospace Materials Pohang University of Science and Technology) ,  Jo, Yong Hee (Center for Advanced Aerospace Materials Pohang University of Science and Technology) ,  Bae, Jinho (Steel Products Research Group Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO) ,  Sohn, Seok Su (Department of Materials Science and Engineering Korea University) ,  Lee, Sunghak (Center for Advanced Aerospace Materials Pohang University of Science and Technology)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Austenitic high-Mn steels present a dominant deformation mechanism of TWinning Induced Plasticity (TWIP) or TRansformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP), which effectively enables be used for various cryogenic applications. This mechanism affects significantly tensile or impact properties, and...


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