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[해외논문] A distributed method to estimate RDCB and SDCB using a GPS receiver network

Measurement science & technology, v.30 no.10, 2019년, pp.105105 -   

Choi, Kwang Ho (Korea Aerospace University, 200-1, Hwajon-dong, Deokyang-gu, Goyang-city, Kyunggi-do, Republic of Korea) ,  Yoo, Won Jae (Korea Aerospace University, 200-1, Hwajon-dong, Deokyang-gu, Goyang-city, Kyunggi-do, Republic of Korea) ,  Kim, La Woo (Korea Aerospace University, 200-1, Hwajon-dong, Deokyang-gu, Goyang-city, Kyunggi-do, Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Yu Dam (Korea Aerospace University, 200-1, Hwajon-dong, Deokyang-gu, Goyang-city, Kyunggi-do, Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Hyung Keun

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, a distributed method to estimate satellite and receiver differential code biases (DCBs) separately utilizing a network of global positioning system (GPS) receivers is proposed. The proposed method consists of many local filters and a single fusion module. Each local filter estimates v...

참고문헌 (34)

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