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Improved Balance Confidence and Stability for Elderly After 6 Weeks of a Multimodal Self-Administered Balance-Enhancing Exercise Program : A Randomized Single Arm Crossover Study 원문보기

Gerontology & geriatric medicine, v.2, 2016년, pp.2333721416644149 -   

Hafström, Anna (Lund University, Sweden) ,  Malmström, Eva-Maj (Lund University, Sweden) ,  Terdèn, Josefine (Lund University, Sweden) ,  Fransson, Per-Anders (Lund University, Sweden) ,  Magnusson, Måns (Lund University, Sweden)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective: To develop and assess the efficacy of a multimodal balance-enhancing exercise program (BEEP) designed to be regularly self-administered by community-dwelling elderly. The program aims to promote sensory reweighting, facilitate motor control, improve gaze stabilization, and stimulate conti...


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