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[해외논문] Discovery of a New Sulfonamide Hepatitis B Capsid Assembly Modulator 원문보기

ACS medicinal chemistry letters, v.11 no.2, 2020년, pp.166 - 171  

Na, Hyo Gyeong (Bio and Drug Discovery Division , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , PO Box 107, Daejeon 34114 , Republic of Korea) ,  Imran, Ali (Bio and Drug Discovery Division , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , PO Box 107, Daejeon 34114 , Republic of Korea) ,  Kim, Kyuneun (Bio and Drug Discovery Division , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , PO Box 107, Daejeon 34114 , Republic of Korea) ,  Han, Hong Sik (Bio and Drug Discovery Division , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , PO Box 107, Daejeon 34114 , Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Young Jin (Bio and Drug Discovery Division , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , PO Box 107, Daejeon 34114 , Republic of Korea) ,  Kim, Myung-Jin (AM Sciences , C-912, SK V1 GL Metrocity, 128, Beobwon-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul , 05854 , Republic of Korea) ,  Yun, Chang-Soo (Bio and) ,  Jung, Young-Sik ,  Lee, Joo-Youn ,  Han, Soo Bong

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) remains a major health concern with 260 million people having been infected globally, and approximately 680,000 deaths have occurred annually from cirrhosis and liver cancer. The modulation of HBV capsid assembly has emerged as a promising therapeutic approach for curing chro...


참고문헌 (13)

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  3. Liu, Na, Zhao, Fabao, Jia, Haiyong, Rai, Diwakar, Zhan, Peng, Jiang, Xuemei, Liu, Xinyong. Non-nucleoside anti-HBV agents: advances in structural optimization and mechanism of action investigations. MedChemComm, vol.6, no.4, 521-535.

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  10. Zhang, F., Wang, G.. A review of non-nucleoside anti-hepatitis B virus agents. European journal of medicinal chemistry, vol.75, 267-281.

  11. Fanning, Gregory C., Zoulim, Fabien, Hou, Jinlin, Bertoletti, Antonio. Therapeutic strategies for hepatitis B virus infection: towards a cure. Nature reviews. Drug discovery, vol.18, no.11, 827-844.

  12. Diab, Ahmed, Foca, Adrien, Zoulim, Fabien, Durantel, David, Andrisani, Ourania. The diverse functions of the hepatitis B core/capsid protein (HBc) in the viral life cycle: Implications for the development of HBc-targeting antivirals. Antiviral research, vol.149, 211-220.

  13. Zhou, Zheng, Hu, Taishan, Zhou, Xue, Wildum, Steffen, Garcia-Alcalde, Fernando, Xu, Zhiheng, Wu, Daitze, Mao, Yi, Tian, Xiaojun, Zhou, Yuan, Shen, Fang, Zhang, Zhisen, Tang, Guozhi, Najera, Isabel, Yang, Guang, Shen, Hong C., Young, John A. T., Qin, Ning. Heteroaryldihydropyrimidine (HAP) and Sulfamoylbenzamide (SBA) Inhibit Hepatitis B Virus Replication by Different Molecular Mechanisms. Scientific reports, vol.7, 42374-.


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