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[해외논문] Redox-Active Phenanthrenequinone Triangles in Aqueous Rechargeable Zinc Batteries

Journal of the American Chemical Society, v.142 no.5, 2020년, pp.2541 - 2548  

Nam, Kwan Woo (Department of Chemistry , Northwestern University , Evanston , Illinois 60208 , United States) ,  Kim, Heejin (Division of Analytical Science , Korea Basic Science Institute , 169-148 Gwahak-ro , Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34133 , Republic of Korea) ,  Beldjoudi, Yassine (Department of Chemistry , Northwestern University , Evanston , Illinois 60208 , United States) ,  Kwon, Tae-woo (Department of Chemistry , Northwestern University , Evanston , Illinois 60208 , United States) ,  Kim, Dong Jun ,  Stoddart, J. Fraser

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Aqueous rechargeable zinc batteries (ZBs) have received considerable attention recently for large-scale energy storage systems in terms of rate performance, cost, and safety. Nevertheless, these ZBs still remain a subject for investigation, as researchers search for cathode materials enabling high p...

참고문헌 (37)

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  20. Kim, Dong Jun, Yoo, Dong-Joo, Otley, Michael T., Prokofjevs, Aleksandrs, Pezzato, Cristian, Owczarek, Magdalena, Lee, Seung Jong, Choi, Jang Wook, Stoddart, J. Fraser. Rechargeable aluminium organic batteries. Nature energy, vol.4, no.1, 51-59.

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  23. Kim, Dong Jun, Hermann, Keith R., Prokofjevs, Aleksandrs, Otley, Michael T., Pezzato, Cristian, Owczarek, Magdalena, Stoddart, J. Fraser. Redox-Active Macrocycles for Organic Rechargeable Batteries. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.139, no.19, 6635-6643.

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