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[해외논문] Czochralski growth, electronic structure, luminescence and scintillation properties of Cs2Mo3O10: A new scintillation crystal for 0νββ decay search

Journal of alloys and compounds, v.821, 2020년, pp.153466 -   

Khan, Arshad (Department of Physics, Kyungpook National University) ,  Daniel, D. Joseph (Department of Physics, Kyungpook National University) ,  Tyagi, Mohit (Technical Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre) ,  Kim, H.J. (Department of Physics, Kyungpook National University) ,  Lee, Moo Hyun (Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science (IBS)) ,  Kim, Yeoungduk (Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science (IBS))

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract A new molybdenum (Mo) based Cesium tri-molybdate (Cs2Mo3O10) single crystal scintillator has been grown successfully by the Czochralski technique. The crystal growth conditions such as pulling, rotation and cooling rate were optimized for crack free high-quality single crystals. The electr...


참고문헌 (31)

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