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[해외논문] An inducible system for in vitro and in vivo Fas activation using FKBP-FRB-rapamycin complex

Biochemical and biophysical research communications, v.523 no.2, 2020년, pp.473 - 480  

Kim, Seokhwi (Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)) ,  Shin, Jongpil (Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST) ,  Oh, Hyunsik (Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST) ,  Ahn, Sangphil (Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST) ,  Kim, Nury (Center for Cognition and Sociality, Institute for Basic Science (IBS)) ,  Heo, Won Do (Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract The inducible activation system is valuable for investigating spatiotemporal roles of molecules. A chemically inducible activation system for Fas (CD95/APO-1), which works efficiently to induce apoptosis and leads non-apoptotic pathways, has not yet been developed. Here, we engineered a ra...


참고문헌 (25)

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