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[해외논문] Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenation of Furfural to Furfuryl Alcohol under Mild Conditions over Zr-MOFs: Exploring the Role of Metal Node Coordination and Modification

ACS catalysis, v.10, 2020년, pp.3720 - 3732  

Valekar, Anil H. (Research Center for Nanocatalysts , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , Daejeon 34114 , Korea) ,  Lee, Minhui (Department of Chemistry , University of Ulsan , Ulsan 44776 , Republic of Korea) ,  Yoon, Ji Woong (Research Center for Nanocatalysts , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , Daejeon 34114 , Korea) ,  Kwak, Jaesung (Research Center for Nanocatalysts , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , Daejeon 34114 , Korea) ,  Hong, Do-Young (Research Center for Nanocatalysts , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , Daejeon 34114 , Korea) ,  Oh, Kyung-Ryul (Research Center for Nanocatalysts , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , Daejeon 34114 , Korea) ,  Cha, Ga-Young (Research Center for Nanocatalysts , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , Daejeon 34114 , Korea) ,  Kwon, Young-Uk (Department of Chemistry , Sungkyunkwan University , Suwon 16419) ,  Jung, Jaehoon ,  Chang, Jong-San ,  Hwang, Young Kyu

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The catalytic transfer hydrogenation (CTH) reaction is considered as a potential route for upgrading bio-based carbonyls to their corresponding alcohols. Herein, a series of Zr-based metal−organic frameworks (Zr-MOFs) containing various types of metal node to ligand coordinations were synthes...


참고문헌 (65)

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