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[해외논문] Study on the thermal decomposition rate of ammonium carbamate for a diesel NOx reducing agent-generating system

Fuel, v.267, 2020년, pp.117306 -   

Kim, Youngmin (Environment & Energy Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology) ,  Raza, Hassan (Environment & Energy Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology) ,  Lee, Sangho (Engine Research Lab, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials) ,  Kim, Hongsuk (Environment & Energy Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Ammonium carbamate (AC) is a substance that exists in solid state at room temperature and decomposes into ammonia and carbon dioxide upon heating. In this study, AC was thermally decomposed to produce ammonia gas, which is used as a reducing agent for reduction of NOx emitted from a diesel...


참고문헌 (21)

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