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[해외논문] Selective catalytic reduction of NO with CH4 over cobalt-exchanged cage-based, small-pore zeolites with different framework structures

Applied catalysis. B, Environmental, v.267, 2020년, pp.118710 -   

Lim, Jong Bin (Center for Ordered Nanoporous Materials Synthesis, Division of Environmental Science and Engineering) ,  Shin, Jiho (Research Center for Convergent Chemical Process, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) ,  Ahn, Nak Ho (Center for Ordered Nanoporous Materials Synthesis, Division of Environmental Science and Engineering) ,  Heo, Iljeong (Research Center for Environment and Sustainable Resources, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) ,  Hong, Suk Bong (Center for Ordered Nanoporous Materials Synthesis, Division of Environmental Science and Engineering)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Selective catalytic reduction of NO with CH4 (CH4-SCR) has been studied over divalent cobalt ions exchanged into four cage-based, small-pore zeolites with different framework topologies, i.e., Co-CHA, Co-RTH, Co-UFI, and Co-LTA with similar Si/Al and Co/Al ratios (10–11 and 0.44 &nda...


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