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[해외논문] Emergent dynamics of the Lohe matrix ensemble on a network under time-delayed interactions

Journal of mathematical physics, v.61 no.1, 2020년, pp.012702 -   

Ha, Seung-Yeal (Department of Mathematical Sciences and Research Institute of Mathematics, Seoul National University 1 , Seoul 08826, South Korea) ,  Kim, Doheon (School of Mathematics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study 2 , Hoegiro 85, Seoul 02455, South Korea) ,  Kim, Dohyun (National Institute for Mathematical Sciences 3 , 70, Yuseong-daero 1689 Beon-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34047, South Korea) ,  Park, Hansol (Department of Mathematical Sciences and Research Institute of Mathematics, Seoul National University 1 , Seoul 08826, South Korea) ,  Shim, Woojoo (Department of Mathematical Sciences and Research Institute of Mathematics, Seoul National University 1 , Seoul 08826, South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We study emergent dynamics of the Lohe matrix model on the unitary group in the presence of several external factors. First, we consider how the static network structure can affect the emergent dynamics for the identical ensemble. To be more precise, we present a sufficient framework leading to the ...

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