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Fingerprint Entropy and Identification Capacity Estimation Based on Pixel-Level Generative Modelling 원문보기

IEEE transactions on information forensics and security, v.15, 2020년, pp.56 - 65  

Yankov, Metodi P. (Fingerprint Cards A) ,  Olsen, Martin A. (Fingerprint Cards A) ,  Stegmann, Mikkel B. (Fingerprint Cards A) ,  Christensen, Søren Sk. ,  Forchhammer, Søren

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A family of texture-based generative models for fingerprint images is proposed. The generative models are used to estimate upper bounds on the image entropy for systems with small sensor acquisition. The identification capacity of such systems is then estimated using the mutual information between d...

참고문헌 (29)

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