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[해외논문] Anti-influenza A virus mechanism of three representative compounds from Flos Trollii via TLRs signaling pathways

Journal of ethnopharmacology, v.253, 2020년, pp.112634 -   

Shi, Duozhi (Corresponding author.) ,  Chen, Meng (Corresponding author.) ,  Liu, Lijia ,  Wang, Qingqing ,  Liu, Shuangyue ,  Wang, Lingzhi ,  Wang, Rufeng

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Ethnopharmacological relevance Flos Trollii is the dried flowers of Trollius chinensis. It has been used as a traditional herbal medicine for the treatment of upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis and pharyngitis in China for a long history. Veratric acid, vitexin, and trolline ar...


참고문헌 (34)

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