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[해외논문] Iridoids of Valeriana fauriei contribute to alleviating hepatic steatosis in obese mice by lipophagy 원문보기

Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomédecine & pharmacothérapie, v.125, 2020년, pp.109950 -   

Lee, Da-Hye (Research Division of Food Functionality, Korea Food Research Institute) ,  Park, So-Hyun (Research Division of Food Functionality, Korea Food Research Institute) ,  Huh, Yang Hoon (Center for Electron Microscopy Research, Korea Basic Science Institute) ,  Jung Kim, Min (Research Division of Food Functionality, Korea Food Research Institute) ,  Seo, Hyo-Deok (Research Division of Food Functionality, Korea Food Research Institute) ,  Ha, Tae-Youl (Research Division of Food Functionality, Korea Food Research Institute) ,  Ahn, Jiyun (Research Division of Food Functionality, Korea Food Research Institute) ,  Jang, Young-Jin (Research Division of Food Functionality, Korea Food Research Institute) ,  Jung, Chang Hwa (Research Division of Food Functionality, Korea Food Research Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common risk factor for metabolic syndrome that increases the risk of future cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes. Recently, autophagy has been proposed as a means to prevent NAFLD. We investigated whether substances with autophagy-induc...


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